πŸ“š The Reading Journal #056

Tipping Point, Price of Time and Feel Good Productivity

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An interesting fact about Malcolm Gladwell is that he is an avid runner and attributes some of his best ideas and creative breakthroughs to his regular running routine. He is known to go on long-distance runs, sometimes covering up to 10 miles a day. Gladwell has mentioned in interviews that running helps him clear his mind, think deeply, and come up with new insights, making it an essential part of his creative process. This passion for running has not only contributed to his physical well-being but also played a significant role in shaping his successful career as a best-selling author and thought-provoking thinker.

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πŸ“šοΈ Staff Pick of the Week

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference by Malcom Gladwell

"The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell delves into the concept of a tipping point, which is the critical moment when an idea, trend, or social behavior reaches a threshold and rapidly spreads. Similar to how a single sick person can trigger a flu epidemic, a well-targeted nudge can lead to a fashion trend, the success of a new product, or a reduction in crime rates. Gladwell's acclaimed bestseller sheds light on this phenomenon, revolutionizing how people globally perceive the process of selling products and spreading ideas.

πŸŽ₯ Reading Talk's

πŸ“ˆ Rising Quickly - Week of July 24, 2023

The Price of Time: The Real Story of Interest

Throughout history, borrowing and lending at interest have been pervasive, though initially viewed as exploitative and detrimental in the ancient world. However, as capitalism took hold during the late Middle Ages, the denunciation of interest softened because it was recognized as a necessary incentive for lenders to part with their capital. Interest serves multiple crucial functions: promoting saving, attributing value to assets, and pricing risk. Referred to as the "price of time," interest reflects the scarcity and value of time in economic and financial activities. In the twenty-first century, interest rates have reached unprecedented lows due to the easy money policies following the global financial crisis of 2007/2008. This has resulted in various adverse effects, such as asset price bubbles, reduced productivity growth, discouragement of savings, increased inequality, and investors taking on excessive risks. Edward Chancellor delves into the history and importance of interest in allocating and pricing capital in his insightful book.

πŸͺ„Most Talked About Fiction - Week of July 24, 2023

One Day With You by Shari Low

One day, five lives, but whose hearts will be broken by nightfall?

It started like any other day in the picturesque village of Weirbridge.

Tress Walker waved her perfect husband Max off to work, with no idea that she was about to go into labour with their first child. And completely unaware that when she tried to track Max down, he wouldn't be where he was supposed to be.

At the same time, Max's best friend Noah Clark said goodbye to his wife, Anya, blissfully oblivious that he would soon discover the woman he adored had been lying to him for years.

And living alongside the two couples, their recently widowed friend, Nancy Jenkins, is getting ready to meet Eddie, her first true love at a school reunion. Will Nancy have the chance to rekindle an old flame, or will she choose to stay by Tress's side when she needs her most?

One Day with You - two fateful goodbyes, two unexpected hellos, and 24 hours that change everything.

⭐️ A message from Babbel

Pack Babbel for Your Summer Adventures - Learn a Language in Bite-sized Lessons

Experience the world through a whole new language this summer. With Babbel, you'll gain the confidence to communicate at any destination you visit. Our expert linguists have designed lessons that focus on real-world conversations, ensuring you're ready to connect with people wherever your travels take you.

πŸ“šοΈ Most Talked About Non-Fiction - Week of July 24, 2023

Feel-Good Productivity: How to Do More of What Matters to You by Ali Abdaal

In his revolutionary book, Dr. Ali Abdaal, the world's most-followed productivity expert, challenges the traditional notion of productivity being solely based on discipline and hard work. Drawing on extensive psychological research, he reveals that the key to productivity and success lies in experiencing joy and feeling good about one's work. Ali introduces the concept of "feel-good productivity," which involves understanding three hidden energizers that boost enjoyable productivity, overcoming three blockers to beat procrastination, and embracing three sustainers to prevent burnout and find lasting fulfillment. By sharing inspiring stories of successful individuals who embody these principles, Ali shows how anyone can achieve more and live a happier, more fulfilling life by making work feel good.

πŸ†• New and Noteworthy

Same as Ever: A Guide to What Never Changes by Morgan Housel

In "Same as Ever," Morgan Housel challenges the idea that investment plans can predict the future by emphasizing that they are essentially informed speculations based on past data. Instead, he suggests a different approach: understanding the things that never change. Housel encourages readers to identify these timeless aspects of life and investing. Through engaging stories and examples, he teaches how to optimize risk, seize opportunities, and live a fulfilling life. By focusing on what is permanently true rather than attempting to predict the uncertain future, individuals can anticipate significant events and achieve genuine success in all aspects of life, not just financial prosperity but also a well-lived life.

✍️ Quote of the Week

The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.

Isaac Asimov

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